Clean Eating 101

Clean Eating 101

 Clean eating seems to be popping up everywhere these days.  But….what exactly is it?

The concept of clean eating is not new at all, it is has been around for quite a while.  Simply put, eating clean is eating foods in their most pure and natural forms.  Foods that are minimally process or refined. 

Clean eating is NOT a diet or a fad.  I prefer to think of it as proper nutrition.  It is fueling your body correctly and eating a proper diet,  not being on a diet. Clean eating is a lifestyle, and it is one that is 100% doable. 

The thing is, you can work out and work out but if you are not eating the right foods, your results are not going to be coming your way.   Achieving your weight loss goals is dependent upon the food that you consume. About 80% of your results will come from the kitchen.  Those results are going to come from the time and energy you put into your workouts AND the same time and energy you put into your nutrition.

How to Eat Clean

  • Drink at least two liters of water every day (8 cups) - If this is hard, try to get at least half of your body weight in ounces per day. Water is VITAL!
  • Limit your alcohol consumption to one glass of red wine
  • Eat every 2-3 hours, so about 5-6 small meals per day (3 meals and 2-3 small snacks)
  • Include a lean protein, lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, and a complex carbohydrate with each meal -- this keeps your body energized and burning calories efficiently, all day long!
  • NEVER miss a meal...especially breakfast!
  • Carry a cooler with clean-eating foods to get you through the day. àIf you already have those snacks with you, no reason to go elsewhere
  • Get label savvy - clean foods contain 1-2 ingredients. Any products with labels of ingredients you can't pronounce are a no no!
  • Avoid processed and refined foods (white flour, sugar, bread, pasta) Instead enjoy complex carbs such as whole grains.
  • Steer clear of anything high in saturated and trans fats, anything fried, and anything high in sugar.
  • Avoid calorie dense food that has no nutritional value
  • Depend on fresh veggies and fruit for fiber, vitamins, and enzymes.
  • Consume healthy fats, try to have one per day.
  • Learn about portion size, and stick to it!
  • Shop on the perimeter of the grocery store, that's where the cleanest foods usually are!
  • Slow down. Enjoy your meal. No one will take it from you!
  • Make it a family affair -- get your kids/spouse involved!


Portion control (and sticking to it) will be the thing that sets yourself up for success.

Proteins: Always have a protein with each meal. Serving size is about the size of the palm of your hand.
Carbohydrates: Have between 2-4 servings of complex carbohydrates from grains, bread, and starches per day. Serving size is about the size of 1 cupped hand.
Fruits/Vegetables: One serving with each meal, so about 6 servings per day. Serving size is about the size of 2 cupped hands.
Fats: Your diet should be about 20-30% of fats from your daily intake. Serving size is about the size of a golf ball.

We dont always have measuring cups with us when we are eating so be sure to use this diagram to help you remember healthy portion sizes!


Your water consumption will contribute immensely to your weight loss. It will help to suppress your appetite, help your digestion, relieve the "bloating" feeling, flush toxins from your body, and will help with cravings.

If you take your weight and divide it by two, that is the number  of ounces you should be drinking! Coffee and pop do NOT count in that water intake, and these should be kept to a minimum. Caffeine and artificial sweeteners are toxins and do not do ANYTHING for your body. Intaking artificial sweeteners only makes you crave it more, so kick the habit and get rid of it altogether! 

What should you buy?

Here is a great sample grocery list for beginners.  Use this as a guide to help you as you become more comfortable with eating clean. 

Why Eat Clean?

  • Feel GOOD about yourself
  • Reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as MANY other diseases
  • Have more energy
  • Live a longer life for your family, your children, your spouse, for YOU

You are what you eat. Plain and simple. If you eat poorly, you will feel poorly and look poorly. If you eat healthy, you will feel healthy and look GOOD.

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